FLAPP: Online Managent System
Floorball New Zealand is excited to announce to launch of FLAPP for our members!
Feel free to check it out right now at http://flapp.nz.
Flapp is an online floorball administration system which centralises all your player, referee, and team data giving you a personal record of your career and making admin easier for clubs.
Next week there will be two tutorial sessions to introduce the app to everyone.
Tutorial 1 (31/8/2021, 19:30): For All Club and Competition Administrators.
This tutorial will cover signing up and how to use the different administration pages (national, club level, competition level, and leauge level). It will also cover creating and managing a draw.
With: Matthew Bertschinger
Zoom link: https://canterbury.zoom.us/j/94046948108
Tutorial 2 (2/9/2021, 19:30): For all players, coaches, managers, referees and scorers.
This tutorial will cover signing up, managing and being part of a team, trainings, and scoring and viewing games.
With: Matthew Bertschinger
Zoom link: https://canterbury.zoom.us/j/95597491758
This meeting was recorded and can be accessed here