2024 AGM Agenda and Meeting Pack

The Floorball New Zealand AGM will be held at 4:30pm on Friday the 20th of September, in the Mātairangi room at the Ākau Tangi Sports Centre in Wellington.

All clubs, Floorball New Zealand members, and interested parties are invited to attend. We appreciate the opportunity to hold our AGM alongside the Wellington Floorball Open again this year, which gathers our community from around the country.

In accordance with the constitution, the two core committee roles of president and secretary are up for election this biannual rotation. Additionally all non-core committee roles are open for election to a one year term. These include; communications and promotions, national teams manager, competitions coordinator, and club liaison officer.

Nominations for roles remain open until 9pm Wednesday, 18 September and should be made by email to contact@floorball.org.nz.

Please find the meeting pack for this year's AGM here. This meeting pack contains:

  • A copy of the minutes of the 2023 AGM

  • The President's annual report

  • Our financial statements for 2023-2024

  • A copy of the agenda for the 2024 AGM

  • A copy of the PowerPoint slides for the 2024 AGM

  • A summary of the results of our national team uniform survey (discussion piece)

When you arrive please record your attendance. If you wish to speak, please raise your hand, wait to be called on, and state your name before the first time that you speak so it can be recorded in the minutes. 

If you wish to attend remotely please use the follow video conferencing details: 

Video call link: https://meet.google.com/xrh-iyex-piy
Or dial: ‪(NZ) +64 4 889 5133‬ PIN: ‪432 099 413‬#

We look forward to this opportunity to present to the New Zealand floorball community.


2024 AGM Announcement