Floorball NZ is seeking volunteers to help at this years Wellington Marathon fundraiser

We Need Your Help:

Over the last few years Floorball New Zealand has used the Wellington Marathon to help a number of NZ teams fundraise for their overseas campaigns.

This year the funds from the marathon are to be used to support Floorball NZ host the much anticipated U19 Women's World Cup here in Wellington in May 2022.

Wellington Marathon is taking place on Sunday June 27th. Please follow the link for further information and details to register. https://forms.gle/iDUSu99kG3NFyBST9

We require the following volunteers and hope you are able to help out:
17 marshals along Jervois key from Frank Kits Park to around Waitangi Park. Marshals are required from 6.30 am - 10.00 am. There are a couple of spots from 8.30am - 1pm which can be shared. Marshals are required to be a minimum of 17 years old

There are also 2 drink stations one at Shelley Bay and the other at Scorching bay. Volunteers are required at these from 7.30am until 12.00. Volunteers must be a minimum of 16 years old.

The event will be held in all types of weather however will not be run should we return to Alert Level 2.


Floorball NZ Nationals 2021
