2023 AGM Announcement

The 2023 Floorball New Zealand Annual General Meeting will be held alongside the Wellington Floorball Open, on Saturday 23rd September at 7pm (Ākau Tangi Sports Centre, Wellington). All clubs, Floorball New Zealand members, and interested parties are invited to attend.

FNZ is looking for a variety of new people to join the committee or subcommittee projects for an exciting and eventful 2024. If you are interested in being president, vice president, treasurer, or communications and social media manager please email a nomination to contact@floorball.org.nz or simply attend the 2023 AGM in person.

If you're interested in helping but aren't sure that you can take on a formal role we would still be more than happy to hear from you at contact@floorball.org.nz.

In accordance with the constitution, the two core committee roles of vice president and treasurer are up for election this biannual rotation. The position of president, which was unfilled at the 2022 AGM, is also up for election out of cycle. Additionally all non-core committee roles are open for election to a one year term. These include; communications and social media, national teams manager, competitions coordinatior, and club liaison officer.

We look forward to hosting our AGM in person however, for those who can not make it a video/zoom link will be made available closer to the time. Those eager to attend virtually should email contact@floorball.org.nz to be added to the attendance and to be sent a link.

The meeting will review the year gone past, look to the future, and appoint the above roles. A full agenda will be made available closer to the time, should you want to add something to our agenda please email contact@floorball.org.nz promptly.


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Floorball NZ & Comprende Partnership